You’re not the only one with a bunion. This bony protrusion on the side of your big toe is estimated to affect up to 25% of people. Certain shoes can be incredibly uncomfortable due to a bunion. You probably live with ongoing discomfort if you have a bunion.
However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Whether you’re experiencing bunion pain, minimizing it, or getting rid of it altogether, our expert Team at All-In-One Foot Care Center can help.
Here are your options. In order of most effective to most conservative, we’ve listed them.
Change your shoes
Although bunions are hereditary, the shoes you wear can also contribute to their development.
You should choose shoes with a wide toe box to give your big toe joint space. Wear something roomier instead of your pointy-toed shoes.
Get in touch with our team, and we’ll help you find comfortable, bunion-friendly shoes that you’ll love.
Footwear that meets your needs
When it comes to shoes, you should make some adjustments to those you already own.
In order to correct the alignment of your big toe, we recommend orthotics (customized insole inserts), padding, or splints. A significant measure of relief may be obtained by slipping certain objects inside your shoe.
Take medication as directed
Our team may recommend medication if shoe changes do not relieve bunion pain.
By administering anti-inflammatory medication, we can ease some of the symptoms associated with your bunion, such as swelling around your big toe.
Consider getting a bunionectomy
Our team can help you with bunion removal surgery, also known as bunionectomy if other treatments don’t work. You may be an ideal candidate for bunion removal if you have persistent discomfort, particularly if it appears to be getting worse.
Our straightforward procedures can get rid of your bunion by realigning your toe joint through a small incision. You won’t have to worry about bunion pain after a bunionectomy.
The bunionectomy procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home the same day. Within six to twelve weeks, most people are fully recovered.
Bunion pain does not have to be a part of your life. To discuss how to alleviate your particular bunion-related discomfort with our team of experts. You can contact our office at 949-588-8833 , or visit our website at Our offices are in Laguna Hills, Irvine, Mission Viejo, Aliso Viejo, Lake Forest, Foothill Ranch, and Costa Mesa.