Getting pregnant can be an exciting time for many people, but it can also mean some uncomfortable changes to your body. Below, we discuss how pregnancy may affect your feet, and what you can do to keep them healthy.
Is there anything I can expect to happen to my feet while I am pregnant?
Changing Shoe Sizes
It is not uncommon for your feet to grow during pregnancy, as many people with children will tell you! There are several reasons why this happens. First, the weight of carrying a child increases the pressure on your arches, causing your feet to flatten and become longer. Second, the hormone relaxin is released during pregnancy to loosen the ligaments in your pelvis to prepare your body for giving birth. Relaxin also loosens ligaments in your feet. Pregnant women’s feet may increase in size by half or a full size due to stretching of their bones!
An Overpronated Foot
Your feet may also roll inward, or overpronate, as a result of the pressure on your arch caused by the baby’s weight. Plantar fasciitis is a condition in which the plantar fascia (the ligament that runs from the heel to the arch) is placed under pressure, causing pain and/or difficulty walking.
An Increase In Swelling
If you are in your second trimester already, you are probably no stranger to swelling in your feet and ankles! During pregnancy, the body produces extra fluid to support the growth of the baby. It can cause your lower extremities to accumulate this extra fluid due to gravity. The expanding uterus can also put pressure on your veins, which can make it harder for blood to return to your heart from your feet and ankles. You may experience swelling at the end of your pregnancy if you spend a lot of time on your feet or in hot weather.
What Are Some Tips For Taking Care Of My Feet During Pregnancy?
1. Shoes that provide support
Pregnant women need to wear supportive shoes to take good care of their feet! Check out our recommendations for everyday wear here! You should choose a pair that has strong arch support and can accommodate swelling (like a shoe with laces and a large opening). Custom orthotics can also be used to support your feet during pregnancy. By using these, you’ll be able to counteract the increased weight on your feet. If you suffer from plantar fasciitis or overpronation as a result of your pregnancy, this is a great idea for you.
2. Stockings with compression
With compression stockings, your veins counter gravity so that they can push blood back up to your heart by applying gentle pressure to your legs. The slight pressure helps your veins to counter gravity. We’d be happy to help you find the right level of compression at All-In-One Foot Care Center if you are experiencing swelling in your feet and ankles during pregnancy!
Here is more information on the benefits of compression stockings during pregnancy, including how they can keep your feet comfortable, healthy, and pain-free.
3. The Elevation Of The Site
If you are on your feet for most of the day, it is best to kick your feet up! Sitting down with your feet elevated above your hips will help to drain the fluid that has accumulated in your lower body. The draining can even be assisted by elevating your feet while applying a cold compress.
4. Exercises Of Light Intensity
It is also very important to stay active during pregnancy because it can improve your circulation, as well as give your body the strength it needs to support you and your baby. Staying active is the best way to take care of your feet. You can take short walks around your neighborhood, do some light conditioning exercises, or try pregnancy yoga. Your stressed arches will also benefit from flexing your foot and doing other small exercises to reduce fluid buildup.
You can contact our office at 949-588-8833, or visit our website at Our offices are in Laguna Hills, Irvine, Mission Viejo, Aliso Viejo, Lake Forest, Foothill Ranch, and Costa Mesa.
📲 949-588-8833
🏢 24331 El Toro Rd, Suite 370 Laguna Woods CA 92637
🏢Irvine Medical Arts Building 113 Waterworks Way, Suite 250 Irvine, CA 92618