Knowing More About Diabetes
If you can’t properly use or even manufacture insulin, then you might be diabetic. What does a podiatrist have to do with diabetes? A lot more than you’d expect. This impairment that keeps your body from converting starches, sugars, and other substances into energy can result in complications such as hyperglycemia or elevated blood sugar that could seriously damage your feet, nerves, kidney, heart, and eyes. 26 million Americans are affected by this sickness, plus nearly 7 million of those 26 million aren’t even aware they have diabetes in the first place.
There is no cure for diabetes. However, you can minimize its effects with careful management of drugs, medical care, exercise, and proper diet. This is essential because diabetics face quite the grave complications. You should have diabetes discipline in order to enjoy an active, full life while living with this issue. A podiatrist can also have an important role in assisting patients in successful diabetes management when it comes to foot-related problems.
Diabetes Symptoms
Warning signs of possible diabetes include:
- Skin color changes
- Foot or ankle swelling
- Feet or toes feel numb
- Mild to severe leg pain
- Slow-to-heal feet sores
- Fungal and/or ingrown toenails
- Calluses and bleeding sores
- Heels and feet areas have dry cracks in the skin
When Should You Go to a Podiatrist?
Diabetes is a sickness that impacts many parts of your body. Therefore, you require a team approach when it comes to managing this sickness successfully. You require help from your podiatrist in a team effort because if you let things go on without addressing your ailment, you could end up with with an amputated leg or two.
These podiatrists had documented success in the field, after all. At any rate, diabetes complications have claimed over 65,000 lower limb amputations every year. After you’ve had a leg amputated, there’s as high as a 50% chance of the other leg being amputated within three to five years of your first amputation.
By having a podiatrist help handle your foot care as a diabetic, you can lower the risk of your lower limb being amputated by 85%. You can even lower your hospitalization rate by 24%. Regular foot screenings done by an ankle, foot, and podiatrist expert as well as early recognition are the keys to preventing amputations.
Foot Care Tips for Diabetics
If you have diabetes, take action and do these things:
- Daily feet inspections are called for to see if your toenails are discolored or thickening as well as to catch any sores, bruises, or cuts.
- Your socks should be thick and soft. Don’t wear socks with seams that could rub on your feet and caused skin injuries on it like blisters.
- Start exercising. Something as simple as walking can make your circulation go better.
- Wear appropriate shoes when you’re having a jog.
- Shoe fittings and measurement should be exact yet have a bit of leeway, since foot size or shape can change as time passes by.
- If you’re a diabetic, you need shoes that fit properly to avoid complications.
- Never go barefoot and don’t go out without your shoes or some slippers, even if you’re at home. Diabetics cannot risk infection and cuts.
- Don’t make wart, corn, or callus removal a do-it-yourself endeavor. You should avoid OTC products that could damage or irreparably deform your feet if you’re a diabetic.
- See a podiatrist as soon as possible. Get some regular or at least annual checkups with them to ensure that you and your feet remain in perfect condition.
Dr. Arshia Roohian is currently serving cities including Laguna Woods, Irvine, Rancho Santa Margarita, Mission Viejo, Laguna Hills, and Lake Forest. She offers expert and professional podiatric services including feet treatment of diabetics. She performs podiatric procedures on a daily basis for diabetes patients, so you can make appointment online and in real-time.