Ingrown Toenail & Fungus Treatments

Ingrown Toenail & Fungus Treatments

Onychomycosis or toenail fungus is usually ignored because it’s mostly benign until foot deformation happens from advanced fungal nails. It doesn’t cause extreme pain for years until it’s too late, but you should avoid letting it get to the really dangerous levels of development. This infection can change the color and quality of your nail, making them a grotesque embarrassment without the masking properties of nail polish.

It’s a condition that happens underneath the nail. It roots from fungus that makes it stink and look darker than a healthy nail. Toenail fungus also causes white marks to pop up on the nail’s plate while serving as a collector of debris. The infection can spread to all the toenails of the feet, the nearby skin, to even your fingernails. In the long-term, it could make walking difficult.

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Toenail fungus makes toenails too thick to clip and makes walking with shoes a literal pain. Complications include secondary yeast or bacterial infections on the plate of the nails. Fungal toenails can come about by walking barefoot in any area that’s damp and a hotbed for microorganisms, like pool locker rooms and public showers.

If you have athlete’s foot or sweaty feet, then you have a higher risk for toenail fungus. The toenail fungus disease can cause you to get damaged nails and a whole menagerie of complications that are fungal in nature. As for diabetics or people with immune deficiency or circulatory issues, they’re especially prone to getting this fungal infection.

Toenail Fungus Prevention

  • Regular feet inspection is a must. Also, be hygienic.
  • Clean with (antibacterial or antifungal) soap and water and dry off your feet thoroughly always.
  • Wear shower flip-flops when changing in locker rooms or bathing in public showers. Any damp, public place is dangerous.
  • Change your hosiery, shoes, and socks many times throughout the day.
  • Toenail cutting should be straight and doesn’t extend beyond your toe’s tips.
  • Wear lightweight shoes made of airy, “breathable” material.
  • Hosiery that makes you sweat can lead to toenail fungus.
  • Cotton and wool socks don’t “wick” away moisture like synthetic fiber socks do.
  • Disinfect nail-grooming tools like pedicure equipment, nail clippers, and nail files.
  • Don’t apply nail polish on swollen, fungal-infected toes.

Toenail Fungus Treatment

Depending on how severe your toenail fungus is, treatment will vary. Fungal toenail infections that are mild can be remedied with improved hygiene for several months. You can also file off the white markings then apply topical antifungal on the diseased nail. This is only a temporary fix, though.

You should detect fungal toenails in advance to keep them from spreading to all your toes. You’ll also be required to culture your nail, debride it or remove debris and nail matter, find where the infection came from, and take oral or topical antifungal drugs. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved a lot of new medication that you can take by the mouth for three months to clear up your infection.

These drugs are better than the more traditional ones. You can achieve treatment modality for fungal toenails thanks to these pills and ointments. If you have a particularly severe case of onychomycosis, then you can always avail of surgical treatment. This will allow you to permanently get rid of the chronically painful diseased toenail before taking antifungal creams to combat recurrences.

Only use surgery and nail removal when all other options fail. One other, less extreme option involves taking the nail off temporarily, putting medication on the soft tissue, and then placing the nail back. The more deformed and painful the nail, the likelier the surgery; this is definitely not a do-it-yourself project.

Tips on Toenail Fungus Nail Care

  • Inspect and clean your foot as often and as thoroughly as possible. Make sure it’s dried off properly too.
  • Wash your feet with antibacterial soap.
  • Wear shower shoes before going into locker rooms, communal bathrooms, public baths, and public showers.
  • Throughout the day, change your sweaty socks, shoes, and hosiery constantly.
  • Nails should be cut straight. Don’t allow them to extend beyond your toe tips.
  • Make sure your shoes properly fit your feet and can air moisture out.
  • When it comes to wicking away moisture, synthetic fiber socks are better than cotton and wool.
  • Disinfect your clippers, file, and pedicure equipment often.
  • Infected, diseased nails that are swollen, red, and discolored should not have nail polish on them.

Dr. Arshia Roohian is presently offering her podiatric services to the following cities: Mission Viejo, Laguna Hills, Lake Forest, Rancho Santa Margarita, Irvine, and Laguna Woods. She also provides professional and dependable therapeutic foot procedures dealing with toenail fungus. She even does toenail fungus therapy every day, so make your appointment with her on the web.

We have two convenient locations. Our Laguna Woods office is located at 24331 El Toro Rd in Suite 370 and our Irvine office is located at 22 Odyssey in Suite #115.